If you are unable or unwilling to self-fund your startup you belong to the majority of startups. To develop an idea into a product and a company behind it you will likely need the help of investors ready to fund your project in exchange for equity in the company behind it. In other words, you will need to be able to create and offer equity-based products to investors to raise the funds for your startup.
Offering equity to investors should be considered carefully. All decisions are final and could have long-term implications on company ownership and control. The ability to design and test the impact of your investment products will help you avoid mistakes while allowing you to offer the best possible value to the investors.
Under federal security laws, any offer or sale of a security or security derived product must be either registered with the SEC or in compliance with existing exceptions. Monetryx will help you ensure that your fundraising activity complies with the exceptions provided under Regulation D of the Securities Act when you offer and sell up to $5,000,000 worth of securities within any 12 months.
You can find more information on SEC regulations here.
Even if your company does not have any employees yet, it will be helpful to plan on the equity-based incentives you may offer to your future employees. You might also want to issue equity to all founders, set up incentive programs, and avoid surprises. If you already have employees you will find this feature very helpful in managing their equity-based incentives.
When working with investors and customers it is often necessary to share files and information in a secure way. The secure data room allows you to share files and folders with third parties using trackable and revokable links. Further, through shared folders, you can also share company ownership reports and other company records as available on the Monetryx website in an easy, secure, and manageable way.
As almost any equity-related decision needs to be approved by the Board of Directors, Monetryx offers a set of integrated tools that will allow you to conduct Board Meetings or run express unanimous board decisions on-line. Upon completion of those events, necessary logs are automatically created and made available for inclusion as a reference to any equity-based products designed in the system.
Interaction tools to help your company interact online with various groups (such as investors, employees, guests), present ideas, collect feedback, vote on multiple items, and more.
The Company Highlights feature offers the ability to compose a condensed description of your business that can be used to introduce your company to potential investors.
You can use the Company Highlights to prepare a single double-sided PDF leaflet to share with potential investors. The space in each section is limited to encourage you to keep statements brief and investor-specific. Further, you can use the interface to initiate a conversation with investment clubs, venture clubs, institutional investors, incubators, and accelerators on the Monetryx platform by clicking on the Apply for Funding link.
Your company’s public profile is your way to present your company to potential investors. You could think of it as a way to pitch your company to the broader public.
Your company’s public profile will be made available to a broader audience which will include various investors as well as current or future customers. It is best to be aware of that and approach the task of preparing your company’s public profile with a clear idea of what you would like to share with your target audience. Ideally, you will build a profile that speaks to both customers and investors.
If your company, like many startups, plans to offer employees stock options, you are going to need a 409A valuation of your company. Publicly traded companies can rely on the public stock market to determine the fair market price of the company. Privately held startup companies, on the other hand, cannot, and therefore they need an independent evaluation to determine how much their stock is worth.
The 409A valuation name comes from Section 409A added to the Internal Revenue Code (Code) by section 885 of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, Public Law 108-357 (118 Stat.1418). Section 409A generally provides that unless certain requirements are met, amounts deferred under a nonqualified deferred compensation plan for all taxable years are currently includible in gross income to the extent not subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture and not previously included in gross income. Read More..
Monetryx provides technology solutions for individuals and entities focused on entrepreneurship. Whether you are a startup, an angel investor, an incubator, accelerator, fund, or a professional organization, we have the tools to help you run your workflows better on our platform. Monetryx is also a unique community where all users share interest in entrepreneurship, so everyone is a potential partner to everyone else and has the option to become discoverable and search for, interact, and transact with others.
Monetryx provides a powerful set of tools for your startup. We are:
Our tools will help you do the following:
Monetryx provides technology solutions for individuals and entities focused on entrepreneurship. Whether you are a startup, an angel investor, an incubator, accelerator, fund, or a professional organization, we have the tools to help you run your workflows better on our platform. Monetryx is also a unique community where all users share interest in entrepreneurship, so everyone is a potential partner to everyone else and has the option to become discoverable and search for, interact, and transact with others.
Monetryx provides a superior alternative to angel investor clubs and forums by offering accredited investors a unique deal flow with no gatekeepers between them and the startups on the platform. Direct access results in more control and a more cost-effective solution. Monetryx helps investors manage the deal flow by using sophisticated tools that save time and allows them to focus only on what is relevant to them. Investors can perform searches, create Watch Lists, use AI to discover and flag new opportunities, keep notes, set reminders, and tag companies.
Monetryx lets members decide when to go on their own and when to be a part of a team. They can do all the work and invest directly, or reach out and connect with other investors, join groups and clubs, pool resources by sharing research and due diligence responsibilities and join or create investment vehicles.
Monetryx allows individuals to have an active role in the success of early-stage companies by becoming mentors, advisors or directors for startups that need their skills and experience. We offer a structured process of presenting one’s professional credentials and flagging their interest in various roles, as well as executing sophisticated searches and contacting companies of interest directly.
Monetryx provides technology solutions for individuals and entities focused on entrepreneurship. Whether you are a startup, an angel investor, an incubator, accelerator, fund, or a professional organization, we have the tools to help you run your workflows better on our platform. Monetryx is also a unique community where all users share interest in entrepreneurship, so everyone is a potential partner to everyone else and has the option to become discoverable and search for, interact, and transact with others.
Incubators, accelerators, entrepreneurship centers, university programs, innovation hubs, VC funds, professional organizations, investor clubs, and other similar entities are an integral part of the ecosystem that brings the capital and the expertise needed to turn ideas into reality. We share a common goal of making the process of early-stage investing more efficient, transparent, and successful. We want to work with your organization, help you focus on what is essential to your customers, and improve the chances of their success.
Monetryx helps organizations by providing technology solutions to support their processes while offering various tools and resources to their membership base – entrepreneurs, investors, and advisors.
Our feature-rich platform can handle a wide variety of administrative tasks for your organization. We can help your program run a:
Many entities seek ways to interact more efficiently with the startups they work with. For them, Monetryx offers:
Having the right help often impacts outcomes. Does your organization provide the right help to its stakeholders?
Successful teams build stronger entities. We can be partners and achieve great things together!
Whether you provide legal services, offer marketing expertise, can help with IT or design, perform 409A valuations, work as an auditor or tax advisor, specialize in HR issues, or focus on due diligence on behalf of interested parties, you will likely find a receptive audience among our startup or investor clients. And regardless of whether you aim to utilize your association with Monetryx occasionally to generate incremental business or aim to automate a process to quickly ramp up volumes, you will discover a flexible platform and a dedicated team that will work with you to help you accomplish your goals.
Monetryx will give you the option to browse through startup and investor profiles, become familiar with their business, identify their needs, and offer your services. We will help you not just by expanding your target market, but will save you time and money by structuring client inputs, streamlining your workflow, handling some of the business processes, and granting easy and efficient access to client approved documents and data.
Here is a very simple guide for what to expect at different stages of development of your startup. Details may vary but it helps being prepared and having a road map. Monetryx is here to help with guidance, tools, and resources along the way. Good luck!
Here are some of the key things founders expect and Monetryx delivers concerning interactions with investors:
[mx-section class="mx-col50 mx-section-box" style="margin:5em 25%; padding:2em;"][mx_investor_invite onerror="INVALID REQUEST
Please log out and try again using the invited Monetryx account.
" onsuccess=""]##INVITED_BY## from the ##COMPANY_NAME## company has invited you to join their team at Monetryx.
Agreeing to do so will enable the company's administrator to view your profile.
Do you agree to accept this invitation?
[/mx_investor_invite] [/mx-section][mx-template type="alerts"]
SELECT mid, DATE_FORMAT(date_created, '%W %M %e %Y') AS date_created_1, DATE_FORMAT(date_created, '%a %b %e %Y %T') AS date_created_2, DATE_FORMAT(date_created, ##mx_date_format_sql_t##) AS date_created_3, msg_subject, msg_text,isread FROM mx_messages WHERE cid = ##mx_cid## AND msg_type = 'alert' AND effective_date <= CURDATE() AND (uid = ##mx_wpuid## OR uid = 0) ORDER BY date_created DESC
#@#sql-read::isread::!=read:: update mx_messages set isread='read' where mid = $sql->mid<-lsq$ and isread is null
The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a strategic management tool for analyzing, visualizing and describing a company’s business model. The building blocks of the BMC may vary depending on the template one chooses, but at its core, the objective is to provide entrepreneurs with the framework to think critically about their venture, and help them conceptualize the key features that characterize it. We have used the Lean Startup methodology to offer a BMC tool for the users of Monetryx.
NOTE: We recommend revisiting and updating the BMC often, as it evolves along with your business. In our experience, the BMC is a great place to start the process of developing a company presentation or an investor pitch.
Does your startup have a Business Plan already? It is great if you, but unfortunately, it is most likely wrong in at least one critical way. On the other hand, the Business Profile is a strategic foundation for a dynamic plan and a way for you to introduce a superior, optimized for growth product to potential investors.
While the information that you enter in this section is mostly intended for use on the Monetryx platform, you also have the option to create a doubled-sided PDF file based on your Extended Profile to be sent as an attachment to parties outside of Monetryx. Use the buttons on the right to preview each section. You can regulate access to each part of your profile in Settings. We recommend reviewing your profiles and the Search Engine info on a regular basis to ensure that they are up-to-date and represent your company in the best and most relevant way.
Please use the sections below to describe your business and the services it performs. Consider using in the description key words that potential customer might enter in their search.
While the information that you enter in this section is mostly intended for use on the Monetryx platform, you also have the option to create a doubled-sided PDF file based on your Extended Profile to be sent as an attachment to parties outside of Monetryx. Use the buttons on the right to preview each section. You can regulate access to each part of your profile in Settings. We recommend reviewing your profiles on a regular basis to ensure that they are up-to-date and represent your business in the best and most relevant way.
Once you have completed the Business Profile section, you will be in a position to be discovered and to interact with potential investors. To invite others to view your profile on monetryx, please share the following URL: [mx-site-url/]company/##mx_c_symbol##. The users will be required to register on the platform to view it.
The following table contains the list of capital contributions made by the company's founders.
[mx-template type="alerts" wrap_id="cr_capital_contribution" wrap-style="position: relative" downloadas="##mx_c_name##-Contributions-##mx_today##" template="cr_capital_contribution" no_data_msg="
A significant number of states require LLCs to keep records of the amount of cash contributed by each member, the agreed value of other property or services contributed by each member, and any additional contributions that will be required of each member.
No capital contributions have been recorded to date.
"] #@#sql:: select date_format(min(a.date_issued),'%Y/%m/%d') as date_issued, concat(mx_investors.first_name,' ', mx_investors.last_name) as holder, sum(a.founder_contribution) as founder_contribution, 0 as interest, (select mxo.option_val from mx_investor_company mic, mx_options mxo where mic.cid = a.cid and mic.iid = mx_investors.iid and mxo.option_key=mic.investor_ref and mxo.option_group='InvestorRelationship' order by mic.id limit 1) as investor_ref, (select mxo.option_val from mx_investor_company mic, mx_options mxo where mic.cid = a.cid and mic.iid = mx_investors.iid and mxo.option_key=mic.occupation and mxo.option_group='Occupation' order by mic.id limit 1) as investor_occupation from mx_company_tenders a inner join mx_investors on mx_investors.iid = a.iid left join mx_company_tender_type b on b.ttypeid = a.ttypeid and b.t_type in ('contribution') and a.cid = b.cid where a.cid = ##mx_cid## and a.record_status = 'published' and founder_contribution > 0 group by mx_investors.first_name, mx_investors.last_name, b.t_name, b.tender_params, investor_ref, investor_occupation order by holder [/mx-template]No Data
"] #@#sql:: select date_format(min(a.date_issued),'%Y/%m/%d') as date_issued, if(mxi.iid is not null,concat(min(a.tid),'-',mxi.first_name,' ', mxi.last_name), concat(min(a.tid),'-',a.share_title)) as holder, if(mxi.iid is not null,concat(mxi.first_name,' ', mxi.last_name), a.share_title) as holder_name, if(mxi.iid is not null,(select mxo.option_extra from mx_investor_company mic, mx_options mxo where mic.cid = a.cid and mic.iid = a.iid and mxo.option_key=mic.investor_ref and mxo.option_group='InvestorRelationship' order by mxo.option_order limit 1), a.share_pool) as investor_ref, astock.total_shares, astock.issued_shares, a.tender_name, a.grant_type, a.convert_to, a.valuation_cap, a.discount_percent, a.interest_percent, a.warrant_percent, sum( case when grant_type='convertible' then a.init_shares * a.face_value when grant_type='warrant' and a.init_amount>0 then a.init_amount when grant_type='warrant' then if(a.units_type = 'percentage',round(a.init_shares*astock.total_shares/100),a.init_shares) * a.face_value else 0 end) as principal, sum(if(a.units_type = 'percentage',round(a.init_shares*astock.total_shares/100),a.init_shares)) as init_shares, sum(if(a.units_type = 'percentage',round(a.init_shares * astock.total_shares /100) ,a.init_shares*a.face_value/(a.valuation_cap/astock.issued_shares))) as shares, sum(a.init_shares * 100 / astock.total_shares) as init_shares_percentage from ( select z.tid,z.cid,z.date_issued, z.init_shares, z.init_amount, zb.face_value, z.ttypeid, z.iid, zb.t_name as tender_name, ifnull(zb.t_span,0) as t_span, case when zb.ttypeid = 1 then 0 when zb.ttypeid = 6 then 0 else zb.discount_percent end as discount_percent, case when zb.ttypeid = 1 then zb.discount_percent when zb.ttypeid = 6 then 0 else 0 end as interest_percent, case when z.ttypeid=6 and z.vesting_interval = 0 then z.init_shares else 0 end as warrant_percent, case when zb.ttypeid = 2 then 0 when zb.ttypeid = 6 then ifnull(z.provisions->>'$.stock_warrant_custom.swc_valuation_cap',0) else zb.valuation_cap end as valuation_cap, case when z.ttypeid=6 and z.vesting_interval = 0 then 'warrant' when z.ttypeid=2 and z.provisions->>'$.stock_grant' = 'on' then 'stock' when z.ttypeid=2 then 'options' else 'convertible' end as grant_type, z.provisions->>'$.stock_sale' as stock_sale, z.provisions->>'$.stock_grant' as stock_grant, ifnull(z.provisions->>'$.stock_warrant_custom.swc_units_type','unit') as units_type, ifnull(if(z.ttypeid=6, z.provisions->>'$.stock_warrant_custom.swc_convert_to',zb.tender_params->>'$.options.options_convert_to'),zc.share_type) as convert_to, z.iid as share_title, z.iid as share_pool from mx_company_tenders z inner join mx_company_tender_type zb on zb.ttypeid = z.ttypeid and zb.cid in(z.cid,-2,-1) left join mx_company_stock zc on zc.sid = z.sid_parent and zc.cid = z.cid and z.ttypeid = 2 where z.cid = ##mx_cid## and z.record_status = 'published' and (z.ttypeid < 10 or (z.ttypeid > 10 and z.payment_total >= z.init_shares * zb.face_value)) UNION ALL select z.sid as tid,z.cid,z.date_issued, z.share_count-z.share_used as init_shares, 0 as init_amount, 0 as face_value, z.sid as ttypeid, 0 as iid, z.share_pool as tender_name, 0 as t_span, 0 as discount_percent, 0 as interest_percent, 0 as warrant_percent, 0 as valuation_cap, '.pool' as grant_type, null as stock_sale, null as stock_grant, 'stock' as units_type, z.share_type as convert_to, z.share_title as share_title, concat( z.share_pool,' pool') as share_pool from mx_company_stock z where z.cid = ##mx_cid## and z.record_status = 'published' and z.share_pool not in ('reserved') ) a left join mx_investors mxi on mxi.iid = a.iid inner join (select cid, sum(if(share_pool='reserved',0,share_count)) as total_shares, sum(if(share_pool='reserved',0,share_count*voting_right)) as total_votes, sum(if(share_pool='reserved',0,share_used)) as issued_shares, sum(if(share_pool='reserved',0,share_used*voting_right)) as used_votes from mx_company_stock where record_status='published' and cid = ##mx_cid## group by cid) astock on astock.cid=a.cid group by a.iid, a.grant_type, a.convert_to, a.cid, a.share_title, a.tender_name,a.valuation_cap, a.valuation_cap, a.discount_percent,a.interest_percent, a.warrant_percent, a.share_pool [/mx-template]Investor clubs are entities that allow investors to connect with peers with similar backgrounds or interests for the purpose of networking, discussing investment opportunities, sharing news, providing advisory services, or teaming up to invest jointly in syndicates or other SPVs. Clubs can be set up by any Monetryx member. They would typically have a Founder, an Administrator (often the founder), and a number of Individual Members.
Any Monetryx member can set up a club. The User needs to go to RESEARCH&INVEST in the main menu and select Managed Clubs from the Investment Clubs interface. The screen will show the investment clubs (if any) that the user is currently associated with. Selecting NEW CLUB on this screen will open a new window that will guide the process of club creation. The process is similar to the one for creating new companies. The club founder needs to enter a name for the club and some basic contact information. A name and email for the founder is sufficient, but the founder has the option to add a physical address and media links if desired. Clicking on the CREATE CLUB RECORD at the bottom of the pop-up window registers the entity on Monetryx.
The next step involves creating a Short and Extended Profile for the new entity. These steps are also very similar to the startup creation process. The logo and club description in Short Profile help other Monetryx users find the club, research it, and apply to join. The Extended Profile can be fairly basic unless the founder wants to provide extra information about the mission, objectives, background or rules of the club. A club intended for close associates probably does not need many additional details. However, if membership is intended for a wider audience, some additional descriptions and visuals might be warranted.
Search Engine data is significantly reduced compared to the Company Profile interface. Still, filling out the correct data might help attract the right membership base and the attention of an intended startup audience. Once the founder goes through the steps of the process of creating a new club, they would click on SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL. If the club’s characteristics are in line with Monetryx’s service terms, the club will be approved and will go live quickly.
There are two ways to add members to the club: by invitation or by request.
Upon setting up a new club, club founders may extend an invitation to others to join. If the club founder is targeting existing Monetryx members, the most efficient approach would be to select all targeted individuals (through a Search query of using an existing list in My Network), and extend a bulk invitation to join the club.
If the targeted individuals include some that are not on Monetryx, the best approach might be to send bulk email to a list of recipients with an invitation to join. The process would include the following steps:
This step requires the administrator to have (or type) a list of email addresses. The list should contain one recipient per line, and the names/email addresses should follow one of the following formats:
John Smith <john.smith.email@domain.com>
“John Smith” john.smith.email@domain.com
“John Smith”,”john.smith.email@domain.com”
The invitation text field will be prepopulated with either Monetryx’s default invitation text or with the text from the last batch of invites. Either way, the following tokens can be used anywhere in the text to personalize the actual email messages:
##CLUB_NAME## -Will be replaced with the name of the club ##USERNAME## - will be replaced with the recipient’s name from the list of e-mails. If the recipients’ list did not contain a name, the token would be replaced with “future ##CLUB_NAME## member” string. ##LINK## - will be replaced with a URL for the recipient to follow to join the club.
Note: Users will have to logon to Monetryx.com to join the club
Note: It is essential to keep the link in the message if you want to keep track of who of the recipients has at least tried to join the club.
If a Monetryx user selects to apply for membership in a club, a request to join is sent out. Depending on the Settings (configured by the Club in Settings -> Preferences), the Club would either automatically accept the applicant or send the request to the Club’s administrator for approval. If an approval is required, the administrator will see the request in the Pending Join Requests interface, accessible through the CLUB -> Profile -> Pending Join Requests menu and from Home Screen. The administrator would review the application, and accept or decline it by selecting the appropriate option in the Action column.
Club administrators have the authority to remove any member from the club. To do this, the administrator needs to go through the following steps:
Users can search for clubs on the platform and apply to join them. The steps in the process are as follows:
If a user receives an email invitation to join a club on Monetryx, the process for joining includes the following steps:
Sometimes it is more convenient to manage member companies on a group basis rather than individually. This screen gives administrators the opportunity to do that.
The member companies are organized in folders (or groups or cohorts). Creating these folders is done by using the appropriate button at the top. Companies are placed in a specific folder in the process of their enrollment but can be moved by opening the folder containing it, locating the company and selecting to transfer it.
Common tasks involving groups of companies include scheduling events, updating calendars, messaging company administrators, downloading reports, and configuring settings that will facilitate various administrative functions like paperwork handling or payments. Most of these operations are managed through the action item menu in the upper right corner of each folder:
Please note that Cohort Settings allows the creation of several different types of cohorts possessing certain configurations that can be used as a template later to create new cohorts with the same characteristics.
Users also have the option to view all participants from all folders in a table format by clicking LIST ALL or to click through a folder and access individual member companies.
In order to issue shares, your company needs to be incorporated. If it isn’t, you need to take care of this first.
Authorizing and issuing securities require Board Approval. You can either upload such approvals in DATA ROOM/Files and Folders (if they were already done offline) or use Monetryx to approve and document the relevant board decisions. In order to use Monetryx, you need to have designated the members of your Board of Directors. To check if you have done that, please click on COMPANY in the main menu. Board Members is close to the bottom of the list. If it has a red X next to it, you will need to designate the board members in order to have them approve decisions. Follow the Click to correct link and enter/assing board members. With one or more board members assigned, go to COMMUNICATION/Board Decisions to approve and create the necessary documentation.
The process of incorporation with the corresponding state entities already required you to declare a number of shares to be authorized by your company. So, the total number of shares to work with is already determined, and can only be changed by filing for such change with the corresponding authorities at the state of incorporation.
Ownership of a company is determined by the number of issued shares, not authorized shares. For example, if a company has authorized 1,000,000 shares but only issued 100,000 shares, then the owner of 10,000 shares would own 10% of the company, and the owner(s) of the other 90,000 shares would own 90% of the company. These percentages will change as more of the authorized shares are issued. This principle is important in order to appreciate the following discussions of best practices.
Now that you have a plan, let’s put it into action. The first step may seem a little odd at first sight, but it will keep the process much more organized and error-free, so we recommend you do it. It involves creating a Pool called Reserved Pool that will hold all your authorized shares, and you will draw shares from that Reserved Pool to create every other pool that you need. You only need to do it once (unless you file with the state of incorporation to increase share count, which would necessitate a repeat for the new shares the state authorizes).
Here are the steps to creating the Reserved Pool (remember, you only need to do it once; after that, you skip this step)
Once you have created the Reserved Pool, you are ready to start drawing from it for the creation of other pools of shares. Here is a sample process:
Before we can prepare and file the incorporation papers for your company we will need you to answer a few questions to help us determine the details of what needs to be filed.
We applolagize, but this interface is currently under development. We could still help with the process of filing your incorporation papers, so please drop us a line at support@monetryx.com, and a Monetryx representative will get in touch with you promptly.
[mx-template type="form-list" template="mxIncubatorStartupsMyCohorts" no_data_msg="No Data"] #@#sql:: select distinct c.rid as cohort_rid, c.cohort_name, (select count(1) from mx_cohort_members cm where cm.cohort_rid = c.rid) as sponsored, (select count(if(mxc.record_status = 'published',1,null)) from mx_cohort_members cm, mx_company mxc where cm.cohort_rid = c.rid and mxc.cid = cm.cid) as published, if(mxd.did is null,'no','yes') as is_participant from mx_cohorts c inner join mx_cohort_members cm on cm.cohort_rid = c.rid inner join mx_company mxc on mxc.cid = cm.cid inner join mx_investor_company mic on mic.cid = mxc.cid and mic.iid = ##mx_iid## inner join mx_investors mi on mi.iid = mic.iid left join mx_discussion mxd on mxd.did = cm.apps_did and (mxd.config->>'$.participants' = '' or mxd.config->>'$.participants' like concat('%',mi.email,'%') ) where c.cid = ##mx_cid## [/mx-template]
The newsletter interface allows companies to configure and schedule for deliver Newsletters to various groups of constituencies. In addition, the interface offers two options for preparing the letters:
You can use the Newsletter Content field to create the body of your e-mail. The media-enabled editor will allow you to format the content as needed. It will also allow you to include images and links to other content. To further enhance the newsletter's appearance, you can customize the background and text colors of different elements of the newsletter. Header and footer for the newsletter can be part of the Newsletter Content. However, if you configure them separately using the Header/Footer section of the interface, they will automatically apply to your following newsletter for your convenience.
Alternatively, you could also compose your newsletter using an HTML-enabled editor and upload the resulting file. Note that Header/Footer and Color settings will not apply to uploaded newsletter files.
Regardless of your approach towards building the Newsletter content, the following personalization and text randomization comments apply:
Individual copies of the newsletter can be personalized with the following variables:
##FIRST_NAME## | Recepient's first name |
##LAST_NAME## | Recepient's last name |
##USER_NAME## | Recepient's First Last name |
##COMPANY_NAME## | The name of your company |
##CURRENT_DATE## | The current date in selected format |
##EFFECTIVE_DATE## | The current date in selected format |
##EFFECTIVE_DATE_ODAY## | The current day with ordinal suffix |
##EFFECTIVE_DATE_MONTH## | A full textual representation of the current month |
##EFFECTIVE_DATE_YEAR## | A full numeric representation of the current year |
So for example the newsletter could start with the following line:
Dear ##FIRST_NAME##,
and the resulting newsletter e-mails will contain the first name of the person receiving the newsletter.
Further, if you want to avoid sending the exact same content to all recipients, you could provide alternative segments of the text and instruct the newsletter engine to pick one of the provided alternatives randomly. The syntax for random content would look like the following:
#@#::PICK_RANDOM:: (indicates the beginning of the random section)
First alternative for the random section
Second alternative of the random section
Third alternative for the random section
#@# (indicates the end of the random section)
The Public Profile of your company is similar to all other company profiles, but it allows you to reach out to investors that are not on Monetryx. It can be sent as an attachment or shared on social media. Your Public Profile will display only the sections you choose to complete. You have the freedom to discuss whatever you want, and to present it in any way you’d like. The titles of the sections below are merely suggestions: you can use them, change them or skip them. You can find an example of what your company profile may look like here.
Once ready and published, the profile will become available to everyone at the following URL: ##mx_public_landing_url##. To preview the public profile before publishing it, please use the preview button below.
HINT: Preparing the public profile could be a daunting task, and you might find it easier to approach once you have spent time working on a business canvas, business plan, and a pitch deck for your company. And if you need help you could always drop us a line, and we will be happy to help. Professional help is available upon request too. Read More, or see this Explainer
Your company is configured with a dedicated landing page with the following URL: ##mx_public_landing_url## and you can configure the URL in the company settings interface using the Public URL entry field.
You can manage the content and the availability of that landing page. Use the space to explain to other Monetryx startups why they should consider your company and apply for consideration and funding.
You can manage the content and the availability of that landing page. Use the space to explain to Monetryx users why they should consider your services and reach out to contact you. Read More ...
[/mx-get-params][/mx-template-vars]Your company is configured with a dedicated public overview page with the following URL: ##mx_host##company/##mx_c_public_url## and you can configure the URL in the company settings interface using the Public URL entry field.
Using this interface you can create and update the content of that page. Use the space to explain to other Montryx startups why they should consider your company and apply to you for consideration and funding. Read More ...
[/mx-get-params][/mx-template-vars] [insert page='7595' display='content' reload="7595"]Company Summary[/insert]Your company is configured with a dedicated landing page with the following URL: ##mx_host##company/##mx_c_public_url## and you can configure the URL in the company settings interface using the Public URL entry field.
You can manage the content and the availability of that landing page. Use the space to explain to other Monetryx startups why they should consider your company and apply for consideration and funding.
You can manage the content and the availability of that landing page. Use the space to explain to Monetryx users why they should consider your services and reach out to contact you. Read More ...
[/mx-get-params][/mx-template-vars]Please send us your questions and comments using the form below.
This interface aims to allow members to initiate and participate in discussions and conversations on various topics of interest to their group.
On the screen, you will see a list of all pending and prior discussions. Additionally, you will see a list of your own draft discussions, which you have created but had not made public yet. The list will not display discussions you have not been invited to participate in and discussions that are still in draft mode and not published or made visible to the participants by whoever created them.
To open an existing discussion, simply select the discussion from the list. Draft discussions will open in edit mode to further prepare the discussions and eventually publish them for others to see. All other discussions will open in conversation mode, where you can read and add your own comments.
You must be a club member to access club's conversations.
" ]The following documents require your signature:
[mx-template type="files" template="mxFilesToSign" no_data_msg="No files found"] #@#sql::select 'oops' as clean, r.ref_id as tid, r.rec_id, r.cid, CASE WHEN r.rec_description = 'attachment' THEN 'attachment' WHEN r.rec_description = 'supplement' THEN 'supplement' ELSE 'generated' END as file_source, r.ref_id,r.rec_name, r.rec_type, r.parameters->>'$.signatures.source_pid' as post_id, r.parameters->>'$.signatures.company' as company_sig, r.parameters->>'$.signatures.investor' as investor_sig, 'n' as board_paperwork from mx_records r inner join mx_company_tenders t on t.cid = r.cid and (r.ref_id = t.tid) where t.iid = ##mx_iid## and r.cid = ##mx_cid## and (r.ref_table = 'mx_company_tenders') having company_sig = 'signed' and ifnull(investor_sig,'z') not in ('signed') order by board_paperwork desc, r.rec_name [/mx-template]Organizer: | ##COMPANY_PUBLIC_URL## |
Event: | ##EVENT_TITLE## |
When: | ##EFFECTIVE_DATE## |
Where: | ##EVENT_LOCATION## |
Please complete the form below to register for this event. You will receive an e-mail confirmation and additional instructions on how to attend the event.
[regform type="rsvp" id="rsvp_form" theme="text-area" style="font-size:0.8em;padding:0 1em;" title="Event Registration" cid="##COMPANY_CID##" ref_id="##EVENT_ID##"][/regform]
[mx-table id="issued_warrants" css="mx-table hover compact" style="margin-top: 2px;"]
#@#toptions:: columns:[ {title:"ID",visible: false}, {title:"TTYPEID",visible: false}, {title:"Issued",type:"date"}, {title:"Holder",width: "35%"}, {title:"Project",width: "35%"}, {title:"Units",render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number( ',', '.'), className: "none"}, {title:"Face Value",render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number( ',', '.', 2, mxCurrencySymbol ), className: "none"}, {title:"Invested",render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number( ',', '.', 2, mxCurrencySymbol ),className: 'dt-right'}, {title:"Documentation", className: "none",render: function (data, type, row, meta) { return '<span class="mx-file-link" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="mxViewPdf('mx_company_tenders','rid'+row[6] + '-'+data+'');">' + data + '</span>'; }}, {title:"Description", className: "none"}, {title:"Edit",className: 'dt-center',render: function (data, type, row, meta) { if(data == 'draft') return '<button id="edit-'+row[0]+'"> <span class="mx-smaller mx-edit"></span> </button>'; else return ' -- ';}} ], scrollY: '12em',scrollCollapse: true, paging:false,lengthChange:false,ordering:true,info:false,searching:false, order:[[2,'desc'],[3,'asc']], responsive: { details: { target: 'tr',type: 'column', display: $.fn.dataTable.Responsive.display.modal( { header: function ( row ) {var data = row.data(); return data[3]+' ('+data[4]+')';} } ), renderer: function ( api, rowIdx, columns ) { var data = $.map( columns, function ( col, i ) {return (col.title==='Edit' || col.title==='ID' || col.title==='TTYPEID')?' ':'<tr data-dt-row="'+col.rowIndex+'" data-dt-column="'+col.columnIndex+'">' +'<td>'+col.title+':'+'</td>'+'<td>'+col.data+'</td>'+'</tr>';} ).join(' '); return (data?$('<table/>').append( data ):false).append('<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><button onclick="mxShowExample(this,'+columns[1].data+','+columns[0].data+');">Impact and exit scenario</button><div id="mx-extra-2" class="grid_form_2"</div></td></tr>');} }},
#@#table_script:: $('#issued_warrants tbody').on( 'click', 'button', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var data = _MXDTVAR_.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data(); if($("div[reload]").length) { $("div[reload]").each(function(){ var rs = $(this).attr("reload"); if(rs.indexOf('=#tid#') > -1){ rs = rs.replace('#tid#',data[0]); $('#mx-bottom-all').find('#mx_section_title').text('Edit Grant'); mxLoadDiv('default',rs,this,'#mx-bottom-all');} });} });
#@#guest_script:: var eCol = _MXDTVAR_.column('Edit:name'); eCol.visible(false);
#@#sqldata:: select a.tid, a.ttypeid, date_format(a.date_issued,'%Y/%m/%d') as date_issued,concat(mx_investors.first_name,' ', mx_investors.last_name) as investor_name, shortString(b.t_name,20) as t_name, a.init_shares,b.face_value, (a.init_shares * b.face_value) as per_share, a.docs, a.description,a.record_status from mx_company_tenders a inner join mx_investors on mx_investors.iid = a.iid inner join mx_company_tender_type b on b.ttypeid = a.ttypeid and b.t_type = '4' and a.cid = b.cid where a.cid = ##mx_cid##
Use this interface to access your applications. Here you can:
The Road Ahead
Investors and founders take different routes to arrive at the same destination: the place where their talents, experience, resources and vision come together to create a partnership and turn an idea into a business. The Road Ahead is a simple guide for owners of what to expect at different stages of the development of their startup. Monetryx is here to help with guidance, tools and resources along the way.
Monetryx: a fully integrated cloud environment where startups connect with potential investors to form mutually beneficial relationships. Discover, connect, manage the process, interact, and transact. Monetryx provides the tools and empowers you to take control of the fundraising process with confidence and transparency, increase the probability of success, and save time and money at every step along the way.
You have been invited to join the ##mx_incubator_name## on our platform. Once you have completed the process, your startup will become a part of the ##mx_incubator_name##'s open ecosystem consisting of other entrepreneurs, investors, and mentors.
Getting started on MonetryxTo learn more about Monetryx and how it can help you prepare to meet investors, search for the right partners and run these processes more efficiently, please click below.
What to ExpectBefore your startup can join ##mx_incubator_name##, please create a company entity by clicking on the button below.
Start a CompanyIf you are not sure who ##mx_incubator_name## are and why you were invited to join them, please visit their extended profile by clicking on the link below.
Visit ##mx_incubator_name##(or create a new investor)
#@#toptions:: columns:[ {title:"ID",type:"number", visible: false}, {title:"First Name"}, {title:"Last Name"}, {title:"E-Mail"}, {title:"Relationship"}, {title:"Occupation"}, {title:"investor_ref", visible: false}, {title:"occupation", visible: false}, {title:"accredited", visible: false}, {title:"Edit",visible: false, className: 'dt-center',render: function (data, type, row, meta) { return '<button id="edit-'+row[0]+'" class="mx-edit-button" > <span class="mx-smaller mx-edit"></span> </button>';}} ], scrollY: '15em',scrollCollapse: true,select: {style: 'single'}, paging:false,lengthChange:false,ordering:true,info:false,searching:false, order:[[1,'asc'],[2,'asc']], #@#table_script::ifparam::t::==::all:: $('#pop-investors tbody').on( 'click', 'button', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var oData = _MXDTVAR_.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data(); var link = location.protocol+'//'+location.host+"/popups/investor-popup/?a=1&mx_iid="+oData[0]; mxLoadDiv('default',link,'#mx-popup-div'); }); #@#table_script::ifparam::t::!=::all:: _MXDTVAR_.column(8).visible(false); $('#mx-popup-select').click(function(){ var oData = _MXDTVAR_.rows('.selected').data(); if(oData.length==0) { console.log("create new?"); var link = location.protocol+'//'+location.host+"/popups/investor-popup/?a=1&cas=yes"; mxLoadDiv('default',link,'#mx-popup-div'); } else { for (var i=0;i< oData.length;i++){ if (typeof mxPopupApplySelection !== 'undefined') { mxPopupApplySelection(oData[i][0], oData[i][1], oData[i][2],oData[i][6], oData[i][7], oData[i][8]); } } mxPopUp('close'); } }); _MXDTVAR_.on('select',function(){ $('#mx-popup-select').text('Use Select'); }); _MXDTVAR_.on('deselect',function(){ $('#mx-popup-select').text('Create New'); }); #@#table_script::ifparam::t::==::all:: $('#mx-popup-select').click(function(){ var oData = _MXDTVAR_.rows('.selected').data(); if(oData.length==0) { var link = location.protocol+'//'+location.host+"/popups/investor-popup/?a=1"; mxLoadDiv('default',link,'#mx-popup-div'); } }); #@#table_script:: $('#mx-popup-close').click(function() { mxPopUp('close'); }); #@#sqldata:: SELECT iid, first_name, last_name, email, investor_ref, occupation, ir, oco, investor_accr FROM ( select a.iid, a.first_name, a.last_name, a.email, o.option_val as investor_ref, coo.option_val as occupation, b.investor_ref as ir,b.occupation as oco, case when a.investor_accr = 'Y' and (a.cid IS NOT NULL OR a.investor_accr_date IS NOT NULL and a.investor_accr_date >= DATE_ADD(SYSDATE(), INTERVAL -3 MONTH)) THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END as investor_accr from mx_investors a inner join mx_investor_company b on a.iid=b.iid left join mx_options o on o.option_key = b.investor_ref and o.option_group = 'InvestorRelationship' left join mx_options coo on coo.option_key = b.occupation and coo.option_group = 'Occupation' where b.cid = ##mx_cid## and b.id = (SELECT x.id FROM mx_investor_company x WHERE x.iid = a.iid AND x.cid = b.cid and x.investor_ref is not null order by x.occupation desc, x.id limit 1) UNION ALL select a.iid, a.first_name, ' ' as last_name, a.email, 'Company' as investor_ref, null as occupation, 'company' as ir, null as oco, 'Y' as investor_accr from mx_investors a where a.cid IS NOT NULL UNION ALL select a.cid * -1 as iid, a.c_name as first_name, ' ' as last_name, a.c_email_info, 'Company' as investor_ref, null as occupation, 'company' as ir, null as oco, 'Y' as investor_accr from mx_company a where a.cid IS NOT NULL UNION ALL select a.iid, a.first_name, a.last_name, a.email, CASE WHEN l.likes->>"$.like" = 'y' THEN 'Liked' ELSE 'Network' END as investor_ref, null as occupation, CASE WHEN l.likes->>"$.like" = 'y' THEN 'liked' ELSE 'network' END as ir, null as oco, case when a.investor_accr = 'Y' and (a.cid IS NOT NULL OR a.investor_accr_date IS NOT NULL and a.investor_accr_date >= DATE_ADD(SYSDATE(), INTERVAL -3 MONTH)) THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END as investor_accr from mx_company_likes l, mx_investors a where l.cid = ##mx_cid## and l.iid > 0 and (l.likes->>"$.watch" = 'y' OR l.likes->>"$.like" = 'y') and not exists (SELECT 'x' FROM mx_investor_company b where b.iid=l.iid) and a.iid = l.iid and a.uid IS NOT NULL and a.email IS NOT NULL ) z WHERE 1=1 #@#sqlextra::ifparam::fn::and:: first_name like '##fn##%' #@#sqlextra::ifparam::ln::and:: last_name like '##ln##%' #@#sqlextra::ifparam::an::and:: (last_name like '##an##%' or first_name like '##an##%') #@#html_after::Investor clubs are entities that allow investors to connect with peers with similar backgrounds or interests for the purpose of networking, discussing investment opportunities, sharing news, providing advisory services, or teaming up to invest jointly in syndicates or other SPVs. Clubs can be set up by any Monetryx member. They would typically have a Founder, an Administrator (often the founder), and a number of Individual Members.
Any Monetryx member can set up a club. The User needs to go to RESEARCH&INVEST in the main menu and select Managed Clubs from the Investment Clubs interface. The screen will show the investment clubs (if any) that the user is currently associated with. Selecting NEW CLUB on this screen will open a new window that will guide the process of club creation. The process is similar to the one for creating new companies. The club founder needs to enter a name for the club and some basic contact information. A name and email for the founder is sufficient, but the founder has the option to add a physical address and media links if desired. Clicking on the CREATE CLUB RECORD at the bottom of the pop-up window registers the entity on Monetryx.
The next step involves creating a Short and Extended Profile for the new entity. These steps are also very similar to the startup creation process. The logo and club description in Short Profile help other Monetryx users find the club, research it, and apply to join. The Extended Profile can be fairly basic unless the founder wants to provide extra information about the mission, objectives, background or rules of the club. A club intended for close associates probably does not need many additional details. However, if membership is intended for a wider audience, some additional descriptions and visuals might be warranted.
Search Engine data is significantly reduced compared to the Company Profile interface. Still, filling out the correct data might help attract the right membership base and the attention of an intended startup audience. Once the founder goes through the steps of the process of creating a new club, they would click on SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL. If the club’s characteristics are in line with Monetryx’s service terms, the club will be approved and will go live quickly.
There are two ways to add members to the club: by invitation or by request.
Upon setting up a new club, club founders may extend an invitation to others to join. If the club founder is targeting existing Monetryx members, the most efficient approach would be to select all targeted individuals (through a Search query of using an existing list in My Network), and extend a bulk invitation to join the club.
If the targeted individuals include some that are not on Monetryx, the best approach might be to send bulk email to a list of recipients with an invitation to join. The process would include the following steps:
This step requires the administrator to have (or type) a list of email addresses. The list should contain one recipient per line, and the names/email addresses should follow one of the following formats:
John Smith <john.smith.email@domain.com> “John Smith” john.smith.email@domain.com “John Smith”,”john.smith.email@domain.com”
The invitation text field will be prepopulated with either Monetryx’s default invitation text or with the text from the last batch of invites. Either way, the following tokens can be used anywhere in the text to personalize the actual email messages:
##CLUB_NAME## -Will be replaced with the name of the club ##USERNAME## - will be replaced with the recipient’s name from the list of e-mails. If the recipients’ list did not contain a name, the token would be replaced with “future ##CLUB_NAME## member” string. ##LINK## - will be replaced with a URL for the recipient to follow to join the club.
Note: Users will have to logon to Monetryx.com to join the club
Note: It is essential to keep the link in the message if you want to keep track of who of the recipients has at least tried to join the club.
If a Monetryx user selects to apply for membership in a club, a request to join is sent out. Depending on the Settings (configured by the Club in Settings -> Preferences), the Club would either automatically accept the applicant or send the request to the Club’s administrator for approval. If an approval is required, the administrator will see the request in the Pending Join Requests interface, accessible through the CLUB -> Profile -> Pending Join Requests menu and from Home Screen. The administrator would review the application, and accept or decline it by selecting the appropriate option in the Action column.
Club administrators have the authority to remove any member from the club. To do this, the administrator needs to go through the following steps:
Users can search for clubs on the platform and apply to join them. The steps in the process are as follows:
If a user receives an email invitation to join a club on Monetryx, the process for joining includes the following steps:
The PEOPLE interface allows administrators to create, edit, and remove entries of individuals who are somehow associated with their organization. This includes founders, employees, investors, advisors, and even guests or newsletter subscribers. Depending on the type of organization (startup, incubator, etc.), there might be slight variations in the available options. Generally, the choices include:
The main menu for each of the options presented above shows a list of all current entries, along with their role in the organization and Monetryx login status. Clicking on a specific name opens a pop-up window where the administrator has the option to remove the user (unless that user is an equity holder in the company), change their role or contacts, or potentially change their public profile (unless the user has a Monetryx account with an associated profile of their own). The profiles of key personnel are an important component of the organization’s own public profile. It is highly recommended to grant Monetryx access to all key personnel, encourage them to create their own professional profiles, and link them to the organization in this interface.
To add a new user, simply click on the ADD NEW button, and fill in the info in the pop-up window. Make sure you select the right Role from the list, where appropriate. An entry may be associated with more than one role.
Note: if you are adding a user that already has a Monetryx account, all you need to enter is their email. The system will recognize the user, and prompt you on how to proceed. If the new user does not have a Monetryx login, the administrator will have the option to create one in the pop-up window (below the email address box). However, it is not mandatory for all new entries to be given access to the platform.
It is important to note that by creating a new entry, the administrator is not granting access to the company’s information. Authorizing access happens through Authorized Users in Preferences. Creating a new entry simply means that the user will now be associated with your company, and will be available for selection from other menus related to the company.
Note: Mentors, contacts, and informal advisors for startups are managed through the Network interface in Company.
With millions of accredited investors and thousands of new businesses created each year, there is a demand for an environment for mutual discovery and learning, as well as forging new relationships.
Monetryx is an online marketplace designed to help entrepreneurs secure funding from accredited investors who, in turn, gain an unprecedented ability to witness and partake in important company decisions.
We are working hard to make this service available to the broader public, but unfortunately, it is currently available only by request. Please complete the form below and a representative will contact you with additional information and help you create your Monetryx account. Although some of our services are not free, creating an account and trying it out is, and we will greatly appreciate your feedback while we work on making Monetryx globally available.
With millions of accredited investors and thousands of new businesses created each year, there is a demand for an environment for mutual discovery and learning, as well as forging new relationships.
Currently, there is no easy way for investors to review early-stage startups while accessing fresh investment opportunities and managing investment portfolios.
Monetryx is an online marketplace designed to help entrepreneurs secure funding from accredited investors who, in turn, gain an unprecedented ability to witness and partake in important company decisions.
We are working hard to make this service available to the broader public, but unfortunately, it is currently available only by request. Please complete the form below and a representative will contact you with additional information and help you create your Monetryx account. Although some of our services are not free, creating an account and trying it out is, and we will greatly appreciate your feedback while we work on making Monetryx globally available.
You have been inactive for more than 15 minutes and to secure your account your session has timed out.
Please log in to continue your work.
Corporations are generally required to keep a record of each shareholder and director meeting, as well as the resolutions adopted or actions taken. When actions are taken pursuant to consent in lieu of a meeting, documentation supporting that action must be produced and retained.
[mx-template type="alerts" template="file_attachments" no_data_msg="No files under this category"] #@#sql:: SELECT a.rec_id, a.rec_name, a.rec_type, a.rec_status, a.rec_filename, a.rec_description, DATE_FORMAT(a.date_updated, ##mx_date_format_sql_t##) AS date_updated, a. category, o.option_val AS subcategory FROM mx_records a INNER JOIN mx_options o ON o.option_key = a.subcategory AND o.option_extra = a.category AND o.option_group = 'corpDocsSubCategories' WHERE a.cid = ##mx_cid## and a.category in ('Company Records/Operating Documents/Board of Directors') and a.subcategory in ('board_minutes','board_consents') order by o.option_val , a.date_updated desc [/mx-template]Before we can prepare and file the incorporation papers for your company we will need you to answer a few questions to help us determine the details of what needs to be filed.
[mx-newgrant-form style_form="font-size: 0.8em"][/mx-newgrant-form]
Upload EXCEL or CVS data files
[mx-set-params target="session" parent="mx_temp_params"] {"mx_cat":"Company Records/On-boarding files"} [/mx-set-params]We are working hard to make this service available to the broader public. For the time being, it is only available by request. Please complete the form below, and a representative will help you create your Monetryx account.
The Company Ownership screen is one of several due-diligence review reports detailing all aspects of company ownership. It includes the list of all equity holders and details contracts, agreements, and any other relevant paperwork.
Use the SECURITIES interface to configure Equity Pools and issue shares and other equity-based instruments and thus build the equity ownership of your company.
The following table contains the list of all shareholders and their respective ownership.
Note: For impact of investments in promissory notes and other instruments see the Convertible Notes section further down.
Note: Share counts and ownership percentages include restricted shares and may include shares that have not been vested yet.
[mx-template type="alerts" wrap_id="cr_owners" wrap-style="position: relative" downloadas="##mx_c_name##-Ownership-##mx_today##" download_element="cr_owners_table" template="cr_owners" no_data_msg="Use the SECURITIES -> Company Stock interface to grant stock and define ownership."] #@#sql:: SELECT UPPER(CONCAT(last_name, ', ', first_name)) AS holder, address_1 AS holder_address_1, address_2 AS holder_address_2, city AS holder_city, state AS holder_state, zip AS holder_zip, (SELECT mc.name FROM mx_countries mc WHERE id = country) AS holder_country, SUM(init_shares) AS share_count, SUM((init_shares * 100 / astock.used_shares)) AS percent, mxo.option_val AS stock_long_type, (SELECT mxo.option_val FROM mx_options mxo, mx_investor_company mic WHERE mic.cid = mx_company_tenders.cid AND mxo.option_key = mic.investor_ref AND mxo.option_group = 'InvestorRelationship' ORDER BY mxo.mxoid LIMIT 1) AS investor_ref, IFNULL((SELECT mxo.option_val FROM mx_options mxo, mx_investor_company mic WHERE mic.cid = mx_company_tenders.cid AND mic.iid = mx_investors.iid AND mxo.option_key = mic.occupation AND mxo.option_group = 'Occupation' ORDER BY mxo.mxoid LIMIT 1), 'n/a') AS occupation, SUM(voting_right * init_shares * 100 / astock.used_votes) AS voting_power FROM mx_company_tenders INNER JOIN mx_investors ON mx_company_tenders.iid = mx_investors.iid INNER JOIN mx_company_tender_type ON mx_company_tender_type.ttypeid = mx_company_tenders.ttypeid INNER JOIN mx_company_stock ON mx_company_stock.sid = mx_company_tenders.sid_parent AND mx_company_stock.cid = mx_company_tenders.cid INNER JOIN mx_options mxo ON mxo.option_key = mx_company_stock.share_type AND mxo.option_group = 'StockType' INNER JOIN (SELECT cid, SUM(IF(share_pool = 'reserved', 0, share_count)) AS total_shares, SUM(IF(share_pool = 'reserved', 0, share_count * voting_right)) AS total_votes, SUM(IF(share_pool = 'reserved', 0, share_used)) AS used_shares, SUM(IF(share_pool = 'reserved', 0, share_used * voting_right)) AS used_votes FROM mx_company_stock WHERE record_status = 'published' AND cid = ##mx_cid## GROUP BY cid) astock ON astock.cid = mx_company_tenders.cid WHERE mx_company_tender_type.t_type = 'grant' AND mx_company_tenders.cid = ##mx_cid## AND mx_company_tenders.record_status IN ('published' , 'locked') and (mx_company_tenders.ttypeid < 10 or (mx_company_tenders.ttypeid > 10 and mx_company_tenders.payment_total >= mx_company_tenders.init_shares * mx_company_tender_type.face_value)) AND EXISTS( SELECT 'x' FROM mx_investor_company mic WHERE mic.cid = mx_company_tenders.cid AND mic.iid = mx_investors.iid) GROUP BY holder , holder_address_1 , holder_address_2 , holder_city , holder_state , holder_zip , holder_country , stock_long_type , 12 ORDER BY holder [/mx-template]
The following segments contain files related to company ownership and attached to various stock grant records.
[mx-template type="alerts" template="file_attachments" no_data_msg="No files under this category"] #@#sql:: SELECT a.rec_id, mt.tid, mtt.ttypeid as grant_type_id,mtt.t_type as grant_type, ifnull(mt.provisions->>'$.stock_warrant_custom.swc_units_type', 'shares') as units_type, if(mt.provisions->>'$.stock_warrant_custom.swc_units_type' = 'percentage',round(summary.issued *init_shares/100) ,init_shares) as share_count, init_shares as raw_init_shares, concat(mi.last_name,', ',mi.first_name) as owner, a.rec_name, CASE WHEN a.rec_description = 'attachment' THEN 'attachment' WHEN a.rec_description = 'supplement' THEN 'supplement' ELSE 'generated' END as file_source, a.rec_type, a.rec_filename, mt.description, DATE_FORMAT(a.date_updated, '##mx_date_format_sql_t##') AS date_updated, a.rec_status, a.ref_id, a.ref_table, a.parameters->>'$.signatures.company' as company_sig,a.parameters->>'$.signatures.investor' as investor_sig, if(mt.provisions->>'$.board_meeting_notes' = a.rec_id, 'y', 'n') as board_paperwork , if(mtt.cid = -2,mt.provisions->>'$.stock_warrant_custom.swc_units_type' ,null) as special FROM mx_company_tenders mt INNER JOIN (SELECT z.cid, SUM(z.share_count * voting_right) AS votes, SUM(z.share_used * voting_right) AS issued_votes, SUM(z.share_count) AS shares, SUM(z.share_used) AS issued FROM mx_company_stock z WHERE z.cid = ##mx_cid## AND z.record_status = 'published' AND z.share_pool not in ('reserved') GROUP BY z.cid) summary ON summary.cid = mt.cid inner join mx_records a on mt.cid = a.cid and (mt.tid = a.ref_id or a.rec_id = mt.provisions->>'$.board_meeting_notes') inner join mx_investors mi on mi.iid = mt.iid inner join mx_company_tender_type mtt on mtt.ttypeid = mt.ttypeid and (mtt.t_type = 'grant') WHERE mt.cid = ##mx_cid## and (a.ref_id > 0 or a.rec_id = mt.provisions->>'$.board_meeting_notes') AND a.rec_status = 'private' and mt.record_status in ('published','locked') and (mt.ttypeid < 10 or (mt.ttypeid > 10 and mt.payment_total >= mt.init_shares * mtt.face_value)) order by owner,mt.tid,board_paperwork desc, file_source [/mx-template]The following table contains the list of investors who have purchased one or more of the convertible investment instruments (SAFE, Monetrix, etc.) the company may have offered. The number of shares and respective ownership percentages are calculated using the contract terms and the current quantity of issued company stock and may change in the future.
[mx-template type="alerts" wrap_id="cr_note_owners" wrap-style="position: relative" downloadas="##mx_c_name##-Notes-##mx_today##" download_element="cr_note_owners_table" template="cr_note_owners" no_data_msg="Use the SECURITIES -> Convertible Notes interface to issue investment warrants.
"] #@#sql:: select date_format(min(a.date_issued),'%Y/%m/%d') as date_issued, concat(mx_investors.first_name,' ', mx_investors.last_name) as holder, b.t_name as tender_name, ifnull(a.swc_units_type, 'shares') as units_type, sum(a.init_shares) as total_units, sum(a.init_shares*b.face_value) as total_price, sum(if(a.swc_units_type = 'percentage',round(a.init_shares * astock.issued_shares /100) ,a.init_shares*b.face_value/(b.valuation_cap/astock.issued_shares))) as shares, sum(if(a.swc_units_type = 'percentage',a.init_shares,(a.init_shares*b.face_value/(b.valuation_cap/astock.issued_shares)) * 100 / (astock.issued_shares + tfrac.frac*astock.issued_shares))) as ownership, (select option_val from mx_options mxo where mxo.option_key = if(b.ttypeid = 6,a.swc_convert_to, b.tender_params->>'$.options.options_convert_to') and option_group='StockType') as conversion_rule, (select mxo.option_val from mx_investor_company mic, mx_options mxo where mic.cid = a.cid and mic.iid = mx_investors.iid and mxo.option_key=mic.investor_ref and mxo.option_group='InvestorRelationship' order by mic.id limit 1) as investor_ref from ( select z.cid,z.date_issued, z.init_shares, z.ttypeid, z.iid, z.provisions->>'$.stock_warrant_custom.swc_units_type' as swc_units_type, z.provisions->>'$.stock_warrant_custom.swc_convert_to' as swc_convert_to from mx_company_tenders z where z.cid = ##mx_cid## and z.record_status = 'published') a inner join mx_investors on mx_investors.iid = a.iid inner join mx_company_tender_type b on b.ttypeid = a.ttypeid and b.cid = a.cid inner join (select cid, sum(if(share_pool='reserved',0,share_count)) as total_shares, sum(if(share_pool='reserved',0,share_count*voting_right)) as total_votes, sum(if(share_pool='reserved',0,share_used)) as issued_shares, sum(if(share_pool='reserved',0,share_used*voting_right)) as used_votes from mx_company_stock where record_status='published' and cid = ##mx_cid## group by cid) astock on astock.cid=a.cid inner join(select z.cid, sum(z.units_sold *z.face_value/z.valuation_cap) as frac from mx_company_tender_type z where z.cid = ##mx_cid## and z.record_status = 'published' group by z.cid) tfrac on tfrac.cid = a.cid where a.cid = ##mx_cid## and b.t_type not in ('grant') group by a.iid, a.ttypeid, a.swc_convert_to, a.swc_units_type order by holder [/mx-template]The following segment contains files related to the convertible notes listed above.
[mx-template type="alerts" template="file_attachments" no_data_msg="No files under this category"] #@#sql::SELECT a.rec_id, mt.tid, mtt.ttypeid as grant_type_id,mtt.t_type as grant_type, ifnull(mt.provisions->>'$.stock_warrant_custom.swc_units_type', 'shares') as units_type, if(mt.provisions->>'$.stock_warrant_custom.swc_units_type' = 'percentage',round(summary.issued *init_shares/100) ,init_shares) as units_count, init_shares as raw_init_shares, concat(mi.last_name,', ',mi.first_name) as owner, CASE WHEN a.rec_description = 'attachment' THEN 'attachment' WHEN a.rec_description = 'supplement' THEN 'supplement' ELSE 'generated' END as file_source, mtt.t_name as owner_extra, a.rec_name, a.rec_type, a.rec_filename, mt.description, DATE_FORMAT(a.date_updated, '##mx_date_format_sql_t##') AS date_updated, a.rec_status, a.ref_id, a.ref_table, a.parameters->>'$.signatures.company' as company_sig, a.parameters->>'$.signatures.investor' as investor_sig FROM mx_company_tenders mt INNER JOIN (SELECT z.cid, SUM(z.share_count * voting_right) AS votes, SUM(z.share_used * voting_right) AS issued_votes, SUM(z.share_count) AS shares, SUM(z.share_used) AS issued FROM mx_company_stock z WHERE z.cid = ##mx_cid## AND z.record_status = 'published' AND z.share_pool not in ('reserved') GROUP BY z.cid) summary ON summary.cid = mt.cid inner join mx_company_tender_type mtt on mtt.ttypeid = mt.ttypeid and (mtt.t_type in (3,5) or mtt.cid < 0) Inner join mx_records a on a.cid = mt.cid and (mt.tid = a.ref_id or a.ref_id = mtt.ttypeid or a.rec_id = mtt.tender_params->>'$.board_meeting_notes') inner join mx_investors mi on mi.iid = mt.iid WHERE mt.cid = ##mx_cid## AND a.ref_id > 0 AND a.rec_status = 'private' and mt.record_status in ('published','locked') and (mt.ttypeid < 10 or (mt.ttypeid > 10 and mt.payment_total >= mt.init_shares * mtt.face_value)) UNION SELECT a.rec_id, mt.tid, mtt.ttypeid as grant_type_id,mtt.t_type as grant_type, ifnull(mt.provisions->>'$.stock_warrant_custom.swc_units_type', 'shares') as units_type, if(mt.provisions->>'$.stock_warrant_custom.swc_units_type' = 'percentage',round(summary.issued *init_shares/100) ,init_shares) as units_count, init_shares as raw_init_shares, concat(mi.last_name,', ',mi.first_name) as owner, CASE WHEN a.rec_description = 'attachment' THEN 'attachment' WHEN a.rec_description = 'supplement' THEN 'supplement' ELSE 'generated' END as file_source, mtt.t_name as owner_extra, a.rec_name, a.rec_type, a.rec_filename, mt.description, DATE_FORMAT(a.date_updated, '##mx_date_format_sql_t##') AS date_updated, a.rec_status, a.ref_id, a.ref_table, a.parameters->>'$.signatures.company' as company_sig, a.parameters->>'$.signatures.investor' as investor_sig FROM mx_company_tenders mt INNER JOIN (SELECT z.cid, SUM(z.share_count * voting_right) AS votes, SUM(z.share_used * voting_right) AS issued_votes, SUM(z.share_count) AS shares, SUM(z.share_used) AS issued FROM mx_company_stock z WHERE z.cid = ##mx_cid## AND z.record_status = 'published' AND z.share_pool not in ('reserved') GROUP BY z.cid) summary ON summary.cid = mt.cid inner join mx_company_tender_type mtt on mtt.ttypeid = mt.ttypeid and mtt.t_type in (3,5,6,7) Inner join mx_records a on a.rec_id = mt.provisions->>'$.accredited_doc_rec_id' inner join mx_investors mi on mi.iid = mt.iid WHERE mt.cid = ##mx_cid## and mt.record_status in ('published','locked') and mt.provisions->>'$.accredited_doc_rec_id' IS NOT NULL ORDER BY owner, grant_type_id, tid, file_source [/mx-template]By submitting this form, you authorize Monetryx.com to use this payment method to collect periodic subscription fees. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
If you want us to store this payment method as part of your profile so you can apply it to other purchases at Monetryx.com, please complete the fields below.
Your current payment method needs to be updated.
You are about to provide billing and payment information for the subscription of the ##mx_c_name## company to our ##SERVICE_NAME## service. Per your current plan of choice, the subscription fee is ##SERVICE_FEE##, and it will be charged on a ##BILLING_INTERVAL## basis on ##BILLING_DATE##.(change service plan)
Your first billing date is ##BILLING_DATE_NEXT##. Your last payment was received on ##BILLING_LAST_PAYMENT##. Your current due amount is ##BILLING_AMOUNT_DUE## and your card will be charged on ##BILLING_DATE_FIRST##.
The ##COMPANY_NAME## company is currently subscribed to ##SERVICE_NAME## and per your plan of choice, the subscription fee is ##SERVICE_FEE##.
The next billing date is ##BILLING_DATE_NEXT## and the current due amount is ##BILLING_AMOUNT_DUE##.
The current payment method, if any, is indicated below. You can use this interface to select an alternative or enter a new payment method.
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Use the Pitch Deck and Other Files section to upload and manage different versions of your pitch deck and other presentation files.
Use the Pitch Phrases and Blurbs section to create and manage different versions of pitch lines, introductions and others.
This Privacy Policy applies to information we collect through websites we operate, social media pages we are in control of, HTML formatted email messages we may send you as part of your communication with us when you use our investment and corporate governance tools and services.
Every time you access, use, transfer information to or from our website, social media pages, or HTML formatted e-mails, you signify your acceptance of the current at the time Privacy Policy. If you do not accept this Privacy Policy, you are not authorized to use our services and must discontinue the use of any and all Monetryx Inc. services immediately. If you have already provided personal information to Monetryx Inc. and you have engaged in transactions with other members of the platform, all relevant information will remain shared with those parties as an integral part of the said transaction.
Personal information is only collected if you voluntarily provided such information to Monetryx Inc. Personal information may be collected every time you provide your personal information to us, request information from us, use our online services to research, contact, or invest in startup companies through the Monetryx platform, request to receive and receive business services from Monetryx and any of our partners through our platform.
The nature of our Service requires you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information, including but not limited to your name, phone number, and postal address, income and asset information, account transaction information, driver’s license information, and state/governmental identification number (where permitted by law), tax and withholding information, Social Security number, and other information that is not otherwise publicly available. The information that we collect will be used to contact or identify you, to confirm your eligibility to access certain services as well as for tax reporting purposes as required by the applicable laws.
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Monetryx Inc. may use your non-personal information to administer our online services, improve performance, optimize navigation, analyze and develop new features, customize and enhance the customer experience, analyze usage trends and site usage.
Monetryx Inc. will not share any of the collected non-personal information to generate targeted or any other ads, nor will we offer parts or in its entirety, any of the collected information to third parties including our service partners.
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Please be aware, however, that no transmission of data over the internet or electronic data storage is guaranteed to be absolutely secure.
California residents are protected as “consumers” by the California Consumer Protection Act ("CCPA") with respect to personal information, subject to certain statutory exceptions set forth in CCPA.
Monetrix Inc. does not sell or share personal information with third parties for their marketing purposes. Under California S.B. 27 (“Shine the Light” Law), California residents have the right under certain circumstances to receive, once a year, information about third parties with whom we have shared information about you or your family for their marketing purposes during the previous calendar year. To make such a request, please send an email to marketing@monetryx.com and please include the phrase “CCPA Information Request” in the subject line, along with your name, address, and email address. We will disclose and deliver to you free of charge this information in response to a verifiable request within thirty days of receiving the request.
Under CCPA, California residents have:
Monetryx Inc. services are neither designed nor offered to individuals under the age of 16. We do not knowingly collect personal or non-personal information from users under the age of 16. Parents concerned that we may have unknowingly collected data from their children should contact us at support@monetryx.com. We will remove any information we may have collected unknowingly from their children.
We reserve the right to review and update this Privacy Statement as needed without notice. Any changes in the Privacy Statement will take effect upon posting. You should check the Privacy Statement on a regular basis for the most current privacy practices. Each time you access, use or browse the Website, you signify your acceptance of the then-current changes to the Privacy Statement.
Company stock represents a claim of ownership on the assets and earnings of the company. For this reason company stock is also known as "shares" or "equity." Company stock has three main features: ownership rights, voting rights and limited liability.
The percentage of ownership that an investor has in a company is proportional to the shares owned by the investor.
Each share of common stock grants the investor the right to one vote that can be used to elect the board of directors of the company. Therefore, investors who have a higher percentage of ownership have a greater say in corporate decisions.
All stockholders enjoy limited liability. This means that if the company goes bankrupt, their loss is limited to their investment.
Equity Pools > Issue Shares / Options >A SAFE (simple agreement for future equity) is an agreement between an investor and a company that provides rights to the investor for future equity in the company similar to a warrant, except without determining a specific price per share at the time of the initial investment. The SAFE investor receives the futures shares when a priced round of investment or liquidation event occurs. SAFEs are intended to provide a simpler mechanism for startups to seek initial funding than convertible notes.
Configure Contracts > Manage Contracts >A convertible note is an investment vehicle often used by seed investors investing in startups who wish to delay establishing a valuation for that startup until a later round of funding or milestone. Convertible notes are structured as loans with the intention of converting to equity. The outstanding balance of the loan is automatically converted to equity at a specific milestone, often at the valuation of a later funding round. In order to compensate the angel investor for the additional risk of investing in the earlier round, convertible notes will sometimes have additional clauses, such as caps, and or discounts.
Configure Notes > Manage Notes >Warrants are a derivative that gives the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a security—most commonly equity—at a certain price before the expiration. The price at which the underlying security can be bought or sold is referred to as the exercise price or strike price. An American warrant can be exercised at any time on or before the expiration date, while European warrants can only be exercised on the expiration date. Warrants that give the right to buy a security are known as call warrants; those that give the right to sell a security are known as put warrants.
Manage Warrants >[mx-get-params segment="params"]##INVESTOR_NAME##[/mx-get-params], you are seeing this page because you have followed a link by monetryx.com with an invitation to review and sign equity-related documents.
If you already have a monetryx.com account, please login to your account and try again. Otherwise, please check your e-mail account for an e-mail with the subject "Monetryx User Verification" and enter that code in the field below. Once your identity has been verified, you will be given access to the documents that require your signature, and you will be able to complete the process.
Please click on the FINISH button below to complete this phase of your enrollment.
Please review the summary of current charges and click on the FINISH button below to complete this phase of your enrollment. The enrollment of ##CUSTOMER_COMPANY_NAME## will be complete upon receipt of your payment.
Please review the summary of current charges and click on the PAY NOW button below to complete your enrollment.
These terms of service govern your access to and use of the Service (“Terms of Use”). The Terms of Use shall be deemed to include all other operating rules, policies, and procedures that are referred to herein or that may otherwise be published by Monetryx from time to time (collectively, “Policies”).
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Monetryx may terminate, modify or suspend the Service, in whole or in part, at any time, with or without notice.
You must be at least 18 years of age to visit the Site and use the Service. You represent that you are an individual of legal age to form a binding contract and that all registration information you submit is accurate and truthful. Monetryx will not collect personally identifiable information from any person that is actually known to us to be a child under the age of 18. If Monetryx is alerted that a User is under the age of 18, Monetryx will take steps to remove the User’s content and terminate and/or block his/her access to the Service.
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Registration is required as a condition for access to any and all Services provided by Monetryx. Some of the services offered by Monetryx allow companies to offer and sell securities following exceptions as provided by SEC's Regulation D and therefore such features will be available only to registered users who qualify as accredited investors. The term accredited investor is defined in Rule 501 of Regulation D.
You may browse the public pages on the site without registering. All other content and features require you to register.
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Users may not use the Service for any purpose that is prohibited by the Terms of Use. The Service (including, without limitation, any Content including content provided by other users or third parties) is provided only for your own personal, non-commercial use unless another use has been explicitly approved by Monetryx. You are responsible for all of your activities in connection with the Service. For purposes of the Terms of Use, the term "Content" includes, but it is not limited to, any agreements, templates, legal forms, generated content, user submissions, presentations, videos, any and all user-uploaded files, audio clips, written comments, information, data, text, photographs, software, scripts, graphics, and interactive features generated, provided, or otherwise made accessible by Monetryx or its partners on or through the Service.
By way of example, and not as a limitation, you shall not (and shall not permit any third party to) either (a) take any action or (b) upload, download, post, submit or otherwise distribute or facilitate distribution of any Content on or through the Service, including without limitation any User Submission, that:
Users shall not (directly or indirectly): decipher, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to derive any source code or underlying ideas or algorithms of any part of the Service, except to the limited extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction; modify, translate, or otherwise create derivative works of any part of the Service; copy, rent, lease, distribute, or otherwise transfer any of the rights that you receive hereunder. You shall abide by all applicable local, state, national and international laws, and regulations.
Monetryx does not guarantee that any Content or User Submissions will be made available on the Site or through the Service. Monertryx has no obligation to monitor the Site, Service, Content, or User Submissions. However, Monetryx reserves the right to remove, edit or modify any Content at its sole discretion.
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You may not sell, license, reverse engineer, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, adapt, edit or create derivative works of the Service or its content and materials.
Systematic retrieval of data or other content from the Site by any User to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, database, or directory is strictly prohibited.
Monetryx grants each user of the Site and/or Service a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable and non-transferable license to use, modify and reproduce the Content, solely for personal, non-commercial use. Use, reproduction, modification, distribution or storage of any Content for other than personal, non-commercial use is expressly prohibited without prior written permission from Monetryx, or from the copyright holder.
Users of the Site or the Service grant Monetryx permission to host and maintain any and all content they upload, enter, create or generate at the Site, give their permission to Monetryx to make part of or all of that content to other users of the Site as per their explicit instructions. This means that Monetryx will make any content user-provided content marked as 'public' available to any other user of the Site; any and all 'shared' content will be made available to other users who have received share URL or/and users who have received special invitations by the content owner; any and all NDA protected content will be made available to users who have agreed with and accepted the applicable Non-Disclosure Agreements.
As an entrepreneur user you may upload or enter information pertaining to your business that you consider confidential, and Monetryx will treat all such information as confidential. However, you agree and authorize Monetryx to share any such information with other users of the system as per your configuration settings and choices.
Users of the System are allowed to upload, generate and store multiple types of private content and information (User Content).
Monetryx will not claim any rights or ownership over such content except for the right to store it and share it with authorized by you users and in accordance with your account settings. Monetryx will treat any User Content as confidential and will seek to maintain that confidentiality unless instructed otherwise, however, Monetryx cannot and does not guarantee confidentiality.
Users are solely responsible for their own User Content and the consequences of posting or publishing them. Furthermore, users affirm and/or warrant that the user owns or has acquired necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to use and upload to Monetryx all patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other proprietary rights in and to any and all User Content.
The User grants Monetryx a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, and perform the User Content in connection with the Monetryx website and Monetryx Service, including without limitation for promoting and redistributing part or all of the Monetryx services in any media formats and through any media channels. In the event it does so, Monetryx will seek to maintain confidentiality as per the User's instructions and configuration settings.
By submitting the User Content to the Monetryx website the user also grants all other Monetryx users a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of and display the User Content in connection with the Monetryx website, Monetryx business and in accordance with the users configuration and confidentiality designations. For the purpose of this grant, Monetryx will consider all User Content confidential and protected from access by other users unless specifically flagged as public or shareable.
Monetryx does not endorse any User Content and expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with User Content. Monetryx reserves the right to promptly and without prior notice remove any User Content if properly notified of copyright and intellectual property infringements. Monetryx reserves the right to restrict or terminate user accounts of repeat offenders.
The Service provides Users with the ability to add, create, upload, submit, distribute or post ("Submitting" or "Submission") content, videos, audio clips, presentations, documentation, data, text, photographs, software, scripts, graphics, or other information to the Site (collectively, the "User Submissions"). By Submitting User Submissions on the Site or otherwise through the Service, you:
Monetryx does not endorse and has no control over any User Submission. Monetryx cannot guarantee the authenticity of any data which users may provide about themselves. You acknowledge that all Content accessed by you using the Service is at your own risk and you will be solely responsible for any damage or loss to any party resulting therefrom.
Monetryx may terminate any User’s access to all or any part of the Service, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective at any time.
Upon any termination, User shall immediately cease using the Service, except that all obligations that accrued prior to the effective date of termination and all remedies for breach of the Terms of Use shall survive.
Account termination does not in any way terminate, modify, invalidate, or void any contractual obligations, promises or commitments entered between the owner of the terminated account and any other user of the Site. Users agree that Monetryx will continue to maintain records of all transactions the terminated party may have been involved in and will continue to make those records and all relevant information to any and all other users who have established a relationship with the terminated party.
Users further agree that in the unlikely event of termination of their account Monetryx will contact all other users who may have been involved in any recorded relationship with the account holder, and advise them of the account cancelation and details on the reasons for the cancelation.
Users understand and agree that in no event Monetryx can be held liable or responsible for financial or any other losses or damages that may have been caused by an account termination. Users understand that any and all financial relationships they may have entered into using the Site are independent of the Service and Monetryx, and shall survive Monetryx account cancelation of either party. Users agree that failure to continue such relationships is not Monetryx's responsibility and Users agree to hold Monetryx unharmed in any dispute or claim that may arise as a result of such failure.
If you wish to terminate your account, you may do so by following the instructions on the Site. Any fees paid hereunder are non-refundable. All provisions of the Terms of Use which by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including, without limitation, ownership provisions, warranty disclaimers, indemnity and limitations of liability.
Monetryx has no special relationship with or fiduciary duty to you. You acknowledge that EquityZen has no control over, and no duty to take any action regarding which users gains access to the Site; what Content you access via the Site; what effects the Content may have on you; how you may interpret or use the Content; or what actions you may take as a result of having been exposed to the Content. You release Monetryx from all liability for you having acquired or not acquired products and/or services through the Site. The Site may contain, or direct you to websites containing, information that some people may find offensive or inappropriate. Monetryx makes no representations concerning any Content contained in or accessed through the Site, and Monetryx will not be responsible or liable for the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality or decency of material contained in or accessed through the Site or the Service.
Electronic Communications Privacy Act Notice (18USC 2701-2711): EQUITYZEN MAKES NO GUARANTY OF CONFIDENTIALITY OR PRIVACY OF ANY COMMUNICATION OR INFORMATION TRANSMITTED ON THE SITE OR ANY WEBSITE LINKED TO THE SITE. Monetryx Inc will not be liable for the privacy of email addresses, registration and identification information, disk space, communications, confidential or trade-secret information, or any other User Content stored on Monetryx's equipment, transmitted over networks accessed by the Site, or otherwise connected with your use of the Service.
All users shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Monetryx, its affiliates, and each of its, and its affiliates employees, contractors, directors, suppliers, and representatives from all liabilities, claims, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, that arise from or relate to your use or misuse of, or access to, the Site, Service and User Content, User Submissions, violation of the Terms of Use, or infringement by you, or any third party using your account, of any intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity. Monetryx reserves the right to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, in which event you will assist and cooperate with Monetryx in asserting any available defenses.
A printed version of the Terms of Use and of any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to the Terms of Use to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form. You and Monetryx agree that any cause of action arising out of or related to the Service must commence within one (1) year after the cause of action arose; otherwise, such cause of action is permanently barred.
The Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, excluding its conflicts of law rules, and the United States of America. Any dispute arising from or relating to the subject matter of this Agreement shall be finally settled by arbitration in Santa Clara County, California, using the English language in accordance with the Arbitration Rules and Procedures of JAMS then in effect, by one commercial arbitrator with substantial experience in resolving intellectual property and commercial contract disputes, who shall be selected from the appropriate list of JAMS arbitrators in accordance with the Arbitration Rules and Procedures of JAMS. The prevailing party in any arbitration or other proceeding arising under these Terms of Use shall be entitled to receive reimbursement of its reasonable expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees, expert witness fees and all other expenses) incurred in connection therewith. Judgment upon the award so rendered may be entered in a court having jurisdiction or application may be made to such court for judicial acceptance of any award and an order of enforcement, as the case may be. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each party shall have the right to institute an action in a court of proper jurisdiction for injunctive or other equitable relief pending a final decision by the arbitrator. For all purposes of this Agreement, the parties consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the United States Federal Courts or state courts located in the Southern District of New York. Use of the Service is not authorized in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all provisions of the Terms of Use, including without limitation, this section.
The Terms of Use are the entire agreement between you and Monetryx with respect to the Service and use of the Site, and supersede all prior or contemporaneous communications and proposals (whether oral, written or electronic) between you and Monetryx with respect to the Site. If any provision of the Terms of Use is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that the Terms of Use will otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. The failure of either party to exercise in any respect any right provided for herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any further rights hereunder.
Monetryx shall not be liable for any failure to perform its obligations hereunder where such failure results from any cause beyond Monetryx's reasonable control, including, without limitation, mechanical, electronic or communications failure or degradation. The Terms of Use are personal to you and are not assignable, transferable or sublicensable by you except with Monetryx's prior written consent. Monetryx may assign, transfer or delegate any of its rights and obligations hereunder without consent. No agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment relationship is created as a result of the Terms of Use and neither party has any authority of any kind to bind the other in any respect. All notices under the Terms of Use will be in writing and will be deemed to have been duly given when received if personally delivered or sent by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested; when receipt is electronically confirmed, if transmitted by facsimile or e-mail; or the day after it is sent, if sent for next day delivery by recognized overnight delivery service.
Our story begins in the heart of Silicon Valley when a group of friends, experts in finance and technical development, engaged in a series of heated discussions on what makes a successful startup company. We wondered why so many seemingly good ideas never develop into viable products or services, and what could improve their odds.
What we quickly agreed to, was that even the best idea would likely go nowhere without proper funding at the right time. We mused about how many entrepreneurs gave up on their dreams because they lacked access to providers of capital, or weren’t savvy enough to put together the right structure and pitch to impress the investors they came across.
We also realized that today most angel investments happen just as they did 30 years ago. The landscape of our digital world, however, has evolved dramatically. There are plenty of accredited investors looking for the right investment opportunities while thousands of startups, pushing the boundaries of their fields, are lacking ways to fund their ideas. It was a small step from there to ask the question: can we do anything about that?
Тo help bridge the gap that separates startups in need of funding from the providers of capital. We make the process of discovery, research, contact, negotiations, due diligence, and execution as convenient, efficient, and safe as possible for everyone involved. We help our clients achieve the ultimate goal of finding the right investment partner and save them time and money every step of the way.
We are a close group of professionals who have known each other for a very long time. We bring decades of experience as entrepreneurs, investors, software developers, and managers. Most importantly, though, we all share a vision for how we want to help our clients and a passion for creating something good that will change the current inefficiency of the market.