
Entrepreneurship 101 - Professor Whitney

Industries of Interest

Welcome to Professor Whitney's Entrepreneurship 101 page on Monetryx. We will be using the Monetryx platform for your term project. It involves setting up a business, completing a Business Model Canvas review, and putting together a pitch deck to present. 

The first step in the project involves submitting a business idea for review. You have significant flexibility in selecting the activity of your startup. However, it has to be legal, ethical, and allow for growth and funding by Venture Capital. 

The Project

To get started, please go through the following steps:

  1. Click on APPLY TO ENROLL in the top right corner of the screen
  2. Register on the platform (please remember your password!)
  3. Follow the system's prompts to describe the business idea for your startup

Please make sure you provide a working email for contacts in the system. I will be using email to provide further instructions.

After you submit your idea, I will review it and will get back to you with an approval, request for additional information or a request to change it. The deadline for having a startup idea presented AND approved is September 7, 2023.

The Instructions

Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the Monetryx platform. I will be sending additional instructions on what to do, but it will help you to understand the basic features of the platform early on.

Once you register your project on Monetryx, you will have the option of using the platform as an individual or on behalf of the startup you create on it. We will be using the latter option. You can switch between two modes by using the dropdown menu to the left of Hi, {Your Name} at the top right corner of your screen. 
